Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our 4th of July celebration

I have been out of the loop lately as our internet has not been working at home. In Josh's words..."Dawn, we need to get that internet fixed for you, it is your only connection to the outside world!" I truly have a husband who understands!!

So, a long awaited post is finally here...and I answer the question for you...

What did the Newton's do for the fourth?

I can answer that question very easily...A WHOLE LOT!!! Let me explain the story to you in pictures...

Our day began bright and early. Sharon (aka Mama or MIL) had plans for the whole family to be at Veteran's Park in Bryan for their annual Fourth of July picnic. She also wanted us to decorate our wagon with red, white, and blue as the kids participate in a parade. I had grand thoughts in my head of a huge crowd, a big parade, patriotic music, and so much more...Now, don't get me wrong, we had a great time, but it wasn't EXACTLY what I had pictured.

The historic association of Bryan had a nice flag raising ceremony.

Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam were there to greet us. (at one point, Lady Liberty came up to me and said (and I quote) "Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam will soon be racing in the potato sack race. Please join us for the fun.")

We sat around and enjoyed the festivities (did I mention it was 150 degrees outside and no breeze?):

Time for the parade (just what I was waiting for...) Oh, the kids just paraded around on the sidewalk. It was pretty cute though...

Josh pulling Cameron in the parade. (His sign says "Let Freedom Ring")

Our niece Riley riding her bike in the parade:

Our nephew Jace brought along his motorcycle:

At around 11:00, we had had enough of the heat, as did Cade. He fell asleep in the heat. Amazing. Cameron even helped him cool off by fanning him with the American flag. So patriotic.

We headed over to Mama and Daddy Mike's for a SUPER lunch, complete with contests!! Sharon never hosts a party without games and prizes!! We had a super cupcake decorating contest...and (drum roll please) I WON!!! My super talented styles finally paid off (yeah right). My winning cupcake was a hand drawn (with icing) American flag and star sprinkles. I was so lucky and won a nice pink float for the pool!!

Thanks Katie for this pic. My cupcake is in the bottom right hand corner. There was much competition as you can tell!!

Luckily, Sharon's plans for the day did include naps for the kids. So after lunch, we headed home, the kids slept, I made my annual fruit pizza, and around 5:30, we headed over to Josh's Aunt Deb's house for swimming, hot dogs, hamburgers, and yes, our annual bike ride to George Bush library for fireworks.

As Katie says, this is NO NORMAL bike ride.
Picture it:
*About 15 adults, each on a bike
*One two seater bike complete with an adult and an 8 year old.
*Two bike trailors with a five year old, a four year old, and an almost three year old.
*One bike seat with a three year old.
*All riding through A&M's campus like we own the place.
*PTS (remember them Ags?!?) having to stop ALL traffic so we can cross the street.

It is truly a sight to see, but one of the things I look the most forward to each year. Infact, Josh and I bought me a bike specifically for this occasion! I wish so badly that I had a picture of the group. This is a must for next year! We parked ourselves in an open field across from Reed Arena and enjoyed the fireworks. Cameron really loved the green and red ones. He told everyone that over and over again, and still talks about them. Fireworks are so much better through a child's eyes!! Enjoy these pics of our evening celebration:

My yummy fruit pizza (my mouth is watering now):

Grandad and Cameron enjoying cheetos together:

Cade and Daddy Mike in the pool. (Cade looks a little scared but I promise he loves the pool!)

A horrible pic, but one of the only ones I have with me and Cade:

Look at this handsome little guy!!
We had a great, fun-filled day and can't wait until next year!


katie newton said...

Awwww, I LOVE your new posts!! And I just physically laughed out loud at what Lady Liberty said to you!! Hysterical!! :) Such great pics, and I'm glad you had one of your winning cupcake. Its really not that big of a deal though. :):):)

Congrats on your year anniversary- you have so much to be proud of!!! I'm so glad I have such a great SIL who inspired me to start my own little piece in the blogger world.

I'll stop typing in paragraph form now- this is too much. :)

Julie said...

I can totally relate to the internet being your only outlet to the outside world! I'm in the same boat!!

I love all of your pictures from your 4th of July! And I personally think the one of you and Cade is perfect! You look awesome!