Sunday, October 11, 2009

A little SWAMPED

Dear Blog,

It's not you, it's me. I am sorry you feel neglected. I have not been a good friend, just leaving you, alone, for almost two months. Now, don't get upset...I know it just sounds like the same old excuses, but I have been put in to a new place that I have never been before. Yes, that is a working mom of two. It has been a big life change. My day is so busy, from waking up at 6:00, feeding baby #2, heading to work, teaching 40 7 &8 year olds, pumping three times a day, picking up baby #1 and baby #2 (that takes almost 45 minutes), cooking dinner for baby #1 and hubby, feeding baby #2, baths, making lunches, bedtimes, and not to mention the other household duties. Good thing I have a GREAT hubby that helps along the way! Now, those are some good excuses, but here are some better excuses for neglecting you.

Mr. Cam-man

The 'Cade'ster

Admiring his older brother

One happy boy

Cade looks a little scared here...with reason!

Now those two boys are totally worth my abandoning you. I am slowly getting into a routine, so please just bare with me for a few weeks longer.

Your long lost friend~
Dawn :)