After staying home today with Cameron that has been sick on and off for five weeks, I had an epiphany...
Oh the money and time I would have saved...
Seriously, Cameron has been sick with flu/sinus, then flu/sinus again, and well, we find out today at 3:50 what virus he has now. The poor kid has run fever more days in the past month than not. Cade got some virus from his friends at Mrs. Paula's house that led to an ear infection. He was home for two days (and is luckily feeling better today!!).
That being said, we are visiting the doc again today for the fifth time this month! I love my pediatrician and all, but I am very tired of seeing him!!
All of this being said, I am inviting any who read this blog to come over to my house this weekend, with:

in hand and join me in disinfecting my house. It should be loads of fun! I know you don't want to miss out!
Please pray that this is the last time poor Cameron and Cade get sick for a LONG, LONG time!!